Is there placemaking in the metaverse?
Seems like there should be; seems like that's probably the goal: to make virtual places where people feel comfortable.
So far it hasn't worked.
Even though many corporations are devoting some small (for them) percentage of their marketing budgets to metaverse placemaking.
Such as Lowe's and UPS.
During a visit to Decentraland, an early metaverse property, it's easy to find familiar brands, eager for curious potential customers. Lowe's, for example, is offering free virtual workboots to anyone who stops by.
Once you get them, lets visit... UPS.
Because that's who's building the most ambitious structures in the metaverse.
Not edgy artists.
Well, some of the builders might be edgy artists, but they are building their most ambitious creations for well-funded companies with large exploratory marketing budgets.