Place Report: Goldfish Mega Bites Mountain, Decentraland

Place Report: Goldfish Mega Bites Mountain, Decentraland

Mega Bites Billboard, Decentraland
Mega Bites Billboard, Decentraland

Place Report: Mega Bite Mountain

Possibly also pandemic related: a video Place Report from Goldfish Mega Bites Mountain in Decentraland, in the metaverse. Buried Goldfish, glowing boots, a billboard, a pick axe, and a new backpack, with a virtual salty snack. 


a. Location: The Metaverse Gumball Machine plot in Decentraland ( (-41,-108)). The arrow points to the actual Metaverse Gumball Machine, which dispenses free NFTs. The gurgling water + elevator music soundtrack is from Genesis Plaza, the default Decentraland lobby, which floats on top of a giant fountain. 

b. Glowing work boots distributed by Lowe's in a metaverse promotion. The gaucho hat was a gift from a Twitch streamer. Shirt is also from a metaverse promotion, you can't remember when or where. (You've never paid for a wearable, but somehow you now have many options in your metaverse closet.)

c. The billboard, looming over the plot, that began displaying a promotion by the Goldfish company. I like Goldfish. You clicked on it. 

d. The lobby inside Mega Bites Mountain. The robot host seemed to be saying something, but you couldn't hear him. 

e. Your pick axe at work. Goal: uncover 22 goldfish. 

f. You were hoping for a free bag of these new, MEGA Goldfish. Instead your reward was an NFT: a backpack with a bag of Goldfish poking out. 

g. Your new Goldfish Backpack on your avatar. The bathysphere helmet turned up in your collection of free wearables after you dropped into a concert in Decentraland. 

h. A close-up of the backpack, kind of blurry. 

