Once you start chatting with Gustavo Gonnet in the Particle Community boards, your servo control improves. Things starting looking up for Detour Flag Guy.
Gustavo, who enjoys explaining how things work, adds lavish comments to his code snippets.
That's when the code started to make sense.
Here's what you end up with, + Gustavo's comments. The servo is now firmly in you rcontrol.
// create servo object to control a servo
//this is to move the detour flag
Servo myservo;
// variable to store the servo position
int pos = 0;
// NEW LINES HERE! ******************************************************************
// DC: you can play with these values so the DETOUR panel shows correctly
//default parameters: 120, 140
const int servoInitialPosition = 90;
const int servoFinalPosition = 280;
//was 180
// GOAL: the servo will move from the initial position to the final position
// giving the ilussion that the worker is moving the detour sign
// this function gets executed once, when the photon boots up
void setup()
// attaches the servo on the D0 pin to the servo object
// original functions, I left them here just in case
//Particle.function("setpos", setPosition);
//Particle.variable("getpos", pos);
// NEW LINES HERE! ******************************************************************
// new function to make the worker move the DETOUR sign
Particle.function("moveit", moveit);
// make the servo move to its initial position when the photon boots up
// this function gets executed continuously, as long as the photon has power
void loop()
// since there is nothing to execute, the photon will remain idle, looking at us
// until we decide to hit one of its cloud functions, like moveit()
int setPosition(String posValue)
pos = posValue.toInt();
return 0;
// NEW LINES HERE! ******************************************************************
// DC: you can play with this value so the DETOUR panel moves smoothly
const int bounceDelay = 1000;
int moveit(String dummy)
Particle.publish("activated!", "booma", 60, PRIVATE);
// the servo should be already at the initial position, but just in case
// this is the first DETOUR sign movement
// this is the second DETOUR sign movement
// this is third DETOUR sign movement
// DC: are 3 movements fine? feel free to add/remove movements at will
return 0;
// this function aims at making one DETOUR sign movement
// it assumes the servo is at its initial position!
void oneMovement()
Now you can send the servo a "coded signal" and it will:
- briskly move about 30 degrees
- and back
- pause a second
- then do it again more two times
- then stop
It looks like a future flag wave.
Time to find a flagman, and a flag.