


Once you got going with plain, ordinary QR codes, you decide to consider some social versions, starting with Snapchat's Snapcodes.

TechCrunch thought they might fill a niche. 

They didn't. You display a Snapcode sticker on the console for awhile. No one uses it. 

A few years later, you check to see if Snapchat still supports Snapcodes. 

You start to type into Google, "Does anyone still use Sna..." and Google autocompletes "Snapchat." 

Not surprising. 

Snapchat still exists, but primarily as a platform, for the youngsters. Junior high school kids. 

They've dropped Snapcodes; they're now pushing an augmented reality feature. Something to set them apart from their bigger, older competitors. 

Now you wonder if Facebook's QR-related entry is doing any better...

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