Not Working

Not Working

Unhappy Boston
Unhappy Boston

The first time you stopped by to check on the Taza interactive display, two college-age kids were playing with their phones next to the counter. They said they were from MIT.

After a few minutes, the paper granite stone spun, and they high-fived each other.

This gave you a sense of hope.

A false sense of hope, it turns out. Because very few people engaged with the device over the next few weeks:

  • Not when you took advantage of a Google Adwords promotion and used a coupon code to purchase $100 worth of Google Adwords. 
  • Not when you promoted a Twitter post about the game. 
  • Not when you promoted a similar Facebook post. 

Were you way out of your league? Apparently you didn't understand game design, retail marketing, or online advertising. 

You felt like one of the felled colonists in my Fun Pak (above).

It didn't get any better. About a month after you dropped off a starter supply of twenty Fun Paks, you stopped by the Taza Chocolate Bar to check how many they had left.

"I’ve got just three here," the helpful young woman at the Taza counter said, rummaging around. 

You made a quick mental calculation: Around 17 Fun Paks distributed? Not bad!

"Oh wait," she suddenly said. "Here’s another stash of them."

She started counting them out: 1, 2, 3... to 16.

So... one (1) claimed? And, realistically, that could be somewhere, misplaced, under the counter.

What's going wrong?

