Halfcourt Basketball in the Metaverse

Halfcourt Basketball in the Metaverse

Halfcourt in the Metaverse
Halfcourt in the Metaverse

Of all the rides in Meta's colossal metaverse project, this is the first one that caused you to pause for more than a second: the no-frills halfcourt basketball court located at the edge of the Plaza in Horizon Worlds. 

When you came upon it, you couldn't resist taking a few shots. Two other metaverse explorers apparently had the same reaction.

None of you felt the need to interact verbally. You were all concentrating on your shots. 

You navigated the buttons on your controllers to capture some in-metaverse footage. 

Then, just before you moved on, two teenage-looking avatars swooped onto the court, took a few shots, bantered a bit about the "automatic" basketballs that are programmed to go in if you throw them in the general direction of the basket.

 Then they flew off.

